The Calf
Litmyndir eftir Zacharias Heinesen.
Søga at siga teimum yngstu (2-6 ár) og fyri tey størru at lesa um, tá ið lítli Sjúrður skuldi bera kálvinum mjólk, men spannin stoyttist, so hann mátti fara heim eftir nýggjari mjólk.
The story is about little Sjurdur who goes into the outfield to bring warm milk to his calf. On his way his falls because he hurries too much as he is thinking about how thirsty the calf must be. All the milk pours over little Sjurdur so that he gets soaking wet and has to go back home to get dry clothes and new milk.When he takes off once more he walks so carefully that he doesn't fall and doesn't spill the milk.
Dáta um bókina
- Rithøvundur | Sigurð Joensen
- Upprunamál | Føroyskt
- Týðari | Matthew Landrum
- Útgávurár | 2013
- ISBN | 978-99918-820-8-6
- Tøk | Ja
- Bólkur | Barnabøkur